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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Everyone Plays!

Welcome to Evanston AYSO Soccer!

This information has been provided to coaches as a handout for families.

At all ages:

  • Be kind: Evanston AYSO is about having fun playing soccer. Everyone is a volunteer. See something that could be improved? Please volunteer to help - it’s the only way things get done.
  • Show up: Attendance at practices and games is important. It’s hard for coaches to help your player and the rest of the team develop without consistent attendance. Let coaches know when you cannot attend.
  • Uniform: Please bring both red and blue jerseys to each game. Wear red when you’re the “home” team, blue when you’re the “away” team.
  • Shin guards and safety: Players must wear shin guards to play - no exceptions. Additional safety rules can be found on our website,
  • Focus on development: We focus on playing and player development, not the score. We do not keep win/loss records, and coaches are encouraged to swap players between teams as needed during a game to balance numbers or skill levels.
  • Let the coaches coach: Players sit with their team during practices/games. Parents and spectators should be on the opposite side of the field from the coaches and players.
  • Everyone plays: Substitutions happen at quarter breaks except for injuries. Not every player can have exactly equal playing time every game, but the coaches work to balance this over the season.
  • Get in touch: It is important that our diverse community of players and families feel welcome and safe participating in Evanston AYSO. Please get in touch with [email protected] or another member of the board if we are not meeting this goal.

5U/6U logistics:

  • Practice starts at the time listed on the website. Practice is about 30 minutes, followed by a game.
  • Teams split into 2 groups to play 2 simultaneous short-sided games. Games may be 3v3 or 4v4 depending on the number of kids present.
  • If you have a “bye” week, you still practice and play! Your team will split and play itself instead of an opponent.
  • Portable goals and corner flags need to be set up and taken down for each game; please help.
  • Coaches can be on the field and manage the game (no separate referees).
  • The focus is on letting the kids play, which means out of bounds and other rules may not be strictly enforced. Coaches will use their best judgment to maintain safe play.
  • No goalies; kick-ins instead of throw-ins. Size 3 ball.
  • 5U/6U is focused on just a few key ideas: have fun, exercise, and be introduced to soccer and to sports more generally; score in one goal, defend the other; use feet, not hands; no pushing/shoving others.

8U logistics:

  • Games START at the time listed on the website. This means you need to arrive 15-20 minutes before game time to warm up and be ready to play.
  • Portable goals and corner flags need to be set up and taken down for each game; please help! 
  • A coach will most likely referee. The focus is on letting kids play as much as possible. 8U enforces out of bounds, clearly deliberate hand balls, and other intentional fouls. But the focus is on education over penalties, as kids are still learning the rules.
  • 8U plays 5v5 with no goalies, 10 minute quarters. Size 3 ball.
  • No offside; no headballs; kids are still learning throw-ins at this age. Opponents back up to the half for goal kicks; corner kicks are introduced. Any free kicks are indirect.
  • Key ideas for 8U include: ball control/dribbling, passing to teammates, spreading out on the field (this is a tough one!), taking shots on goal, and getting back to play defense.
  • We do our best to balance skill levels between teams, but kids at this age have a very wide range of skills and athleticism, and variable attendance can have a significant impact. Some teams will win most games and some will lose most games. We work with coaches on strategies to keep games as competitive as possible, but blowouts and uneven games (and teams) unfortunately do happen.

10U logistics:

  • Games START at the time listed on the website. This means you need to arrive 15-20 minutes before game time to warm up and be ready to play.
  • A coach will most likely referee, although there are some designated referees for 10U.
  • 10U plays 7v7 including goalies, 25 minute halves (12.5 minute quarters). Size 4 ball.
  • 10U introduces offside (from the build-out line, which is between the goal and midfield).
  • All players take turns at goalie. No one plays goalie more than half the game. Goalies can throw the ball or play it with their feet from the ground (no punting).
  • Opponents back up behind the buildout line for goal kicks.
  • Refereeing is hard, and referees are doing their best; please show them respect.
  • We do our best to balance skill levels between teams, but kids at this age have a very wide range of skills and athleticism, and variable attendance can have a significant impact. Some teams will win most games and some will lose most games. We work with coaches on strategies to keep games as competitive as possible, but blowouts and uneven games (and teams) unfortunately do happen. 

12U logistics:

  • Games START at the time listed on the website. This means you need to arrive 15-20 minutes before game time to warm up and be ready to play.
  • There are some designated referees for 12U, but coaches referee when one isn’t available. Referees may ask for parents to help as assistant referees on the sidelines.
  • 12U plays 9v9 including goalies, 30 minute halves (15 minute quarters). Size 4 ball.
  • 12U includes offside from the midfield.
  • All players take turns at goalie. No one plays goalie more than half the game. Goalies can punt the ball.
  • Refereeing is hard, and referees are doing their best; please show them respect.
  • We do our best to balance skill levels between teams, but our players have a very wide range of skills and athleticism, and variable attendance can have a significant impact. Some teams will win most games and some will lose most games. We work with coaches on strategies to keep games as competitive as possible, but blowouts and uneven games (and teams) unfortunately do happen.

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Evanston AYSO

848 Dodge Ave PMB 392 
Evanston, Illinois 60202

Email Us: [email protected]
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