Shared Rules
With a few exceptions, AYSO Evanston follows national
AYSO rules and guidelines, which in turn build on IFAB
Laws of the Game 20/21. AYSO Evanston #735 rules take precedence.
The rules and game logistics are tailored to each age group to ensure the kids have fun and have developmentally-appropriate challenges. U12 and younger divisions play with modified rules.
Jerseys: Wear
RED for home games (team listed first on the schedule) and
BLUE for away games (team listed second on the schedule). Have teams bring both jerseys to all games in case teams need to borrow players.
Rule Summary
See our cheat sheet for coaches for 5U-12U - there are laminated copies of this available to keep in your coach bag.
| U5/U6 | U8 | U10 | U12 | U14 | U19 |
Field Size (yards) | 30 x 15 | 50 x 25 | 60 x 40 | 85 x 50 | 120 x 60 | 120 x 60 |
Goal Size | 4' x 6' | 6' x 12' | 6.5' x 18.5' | 7' x 21' | 8' x 24' | 8' x 24' |
Ball Size | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
Number of Players on Field | 3 – 4 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 11 |
Target Roster Size
| 10-12 | 8 | 10-11 | 12-13 | 15-18 | 15-18 |
Goalkeeper | No | No | Yes (no punts)
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
Duration | four 5 min quarters
| four 10 min quarters
| four 12.5 min quarters
| four 15 min quarters
| two 35-min halves; can play quarters
| two 45-min halves
Offside | No | No | Yes (build-out line)
| Yes | Yes | Yes
Penalty Kicks | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Slide Tackles
| No | No | No | Yes, but not encouraged | Yes
| Yes |
Head Balls
| No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
In addition to adding time and players as the age divisions progress, each division also adds key game elements. In summary:
- 8U adds throw-ins, goal kicks, corner kicks, and slightly increased enforcement of key rules such as not handling the ball
- 10U adds goalies, offside (based off of the build-out line), and penalty kicks (if needed)
- 12U adds punts by goalies, increased offside (based on the half line)
- 14U allows head balls
Game Management and Refereeing
A minimum of 2 quarters is required for each player and it is recommended that no one play 4 quarters until everyone has played 3 quarters.
Substitutions are at quarter breaks. Half-time breaks are 5 minutes. Referees may stop play for additional water breaks as needed during warm weather.
Referees should remember that only deliberate breaches of the Law merit stopping the game and that constant whistling for trifling or doubtful breaches produces bad feeling and loss of temper on the part of the players and spoils the pleasure of the spectators. Maximize playing time - minimize stoppages.
Especially at younger divisions, referees prioritize instruction, player development, and player experience over strict adherence to the rules.
Scores and Standings
Region standings are not recorded for core games (12U and younger). Game scores are not posted.
Player Equipment
- Players shall not wear anything that is dangerous to either themselves or other players subject to the referee’s approval under Law 4 of the IFAB Laws of the Game.
- No jewelry: Jewelry of any kind (necklaces, watches, earrings, rings, friendship bracelets, Live Strong wrist bands, etc.) cannot be worn during practice or games. Taping over jewelry does not change this. (Don't get ears pieced during soccer season!)
- Hair accessories: All hair accessories should be soft if possible. Soft hair accessories such as “scrunchies” and soft rubber bands are recommended and acceptable. Hair control devices and other adornments, such as beads, worn in the hair must meet the following criteria:
- Be securely fastened to the head.
- Do not present an increased risk to the player, teammates, or opponents.
- Flat clips less than two inches in length may be used to hold the hair in place close to the head so long as their placement on the head does not present an increased risk to the player, teammates or opponents.
- Hair charms are still considered jewelry and are not permitted.
- Medical devices: Med-Alert bracelets or other medical devices must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band for the safety of your child and all the other players.
- No temporary medical aids, including casts and splints: If a medical device is needed to restrict mobility, protect an injury or support proper alignment to expedite the healing process of a temporary injury and is hard (cast, splint, etc.) then it is not allowed. Padding does not change this. A doctor's note does not change this: no casts or splits at games or practices.
- Braces and required health devices are OK with padding: If, on the other hand, the protective device is used to provide support, flexibility or enable an otherwise healthy player to function normally such as a knee brace, prosthesis, hearing aid, insulin pump/monitor, etc. then this would be allowed provided the device was sufficiently padded to prevent injury to other players.
- Glasses and hearing aids are OK: Glasses, hearing aids, and med-alerts may be worn to practices and games. The use of an eyeglass holder/strap or sports-glasses is recommended.
- Shin guards required: Shoes and shin guards covered by the socks are mandatory at all practices and game activities.
- Soccer cleats recommended: Soccer shoes or cleats are recommended; tennis shoes or similar type athletic shoes can be worn, but nearly all players wear soccer shoes. Metal cleats are not allowed. Baseball-type cleats with a toe cleat are not allowed.
- Uniforms should be worn for games.
- Extra clothing: Any extra articles of clothing must be worn under the uniform shirt (so you can still determine which team a player is associated with). Hoodies, zippers, drawstrings, or other hard elements are not allowed. Try to coordinate with your team’s colors if possible. Soft gloves and hats are OK. Pants are OK at younger age divisions; at older age divisions, pants may need to be under the shorts at the discretion/determination of the referee.
Coach and Parent Behavior
- Parents and coaches should encourage players.
- No individual should be allowed to run the length of the field except participants of the game (players and referees).
- Spectators are not allowed behind either goal or within three (3) yards outside the touchline.
- It is the responsibility of coaches, referees AND parents to be knowledgeable of Evanston AYSO Rules of the Game.
- See the Coach, Player, and Parent Pledges
U5/U6 Rules
U5/U6 Field Layout
AYSO Evanston forms coed teams for U5/U6. U5/U6 teams play and practice on double fields, with each team may be split into two for the games to maximize the amount each player plays.
Start/restart of play
- For start/restart of play, the team without the ball must allow space for play. Allow approximately 5 yards of space; this is a guideline.
- Throw-ins: U5/U6 use a kick-in or dribble-in instead of a throw-in. If a throw-in is taken, technique does not matter.
- Free kicks: Play may have to be stopped occasionally to "sort things out" in U5/U6 games. A player may pick the ball up and start running with it or want to keep it away from the other players, or perhaps there is a pile of kids on the ground kicking at both the ball and each other. Stop play and correct the situation then restart with a free kick for a deserving player. All free kicks in U5/U6 games are indirect free kicks. A goal cannot be scored from this free kick. There are no direct kicks at U5/U6.
- Goal kicks/corner kicks: When the ball goes out of play across one of the goal lines (end lines) and a goal is not scored, a kick-in, in U5/U6 games, is awarded from where it crossed the line to the team that didn’t touch it last. The coach should let the player take the kick-in with as little ceremony or interference as possible. Keep the game moving and fun.
Heading: No heading in practices or games.
Referees: The coaches will manage the games as referee for U5/U6. If certified referees/officials are used, the referees/officials must be currently trained and certified as U8 Officials or higher. U5/U6 games are intended to be an opportunity for very young players to experience the fun of playing with minimum interruption and maximum flexibility. Every effort should be made to keep the game moving and free from unnecessary stoppages. Coaches/referees in U5/U6 games should encourage proper play and sporting behavior and thus provide an opportunity for players, coaches, officials and spectators to have a positive AYSO experience. Let them play and enjoy.
Deliberate fouling should be rare in U5/U6 games. Kicking, tripping, handling the ball and dangerous play may occur. There should be few, if any, additional reasons to stop play in U5/U6 games. If a player is "not playing well with others" or if play must be stopped for any other reason (injury, substitution, confusion, or to watch a passing train, butterfly or frog), refocus the players and begin again with a free kick or throw-in as appropriate. Award the restart to whichever team deserves it. Exercise common sense, stand back and let them play.
U8 Rules
U8 Field Layout
Games are played with 5 players per team on the field (5v5). If both coaches agree, one player can be added to each side (6v6).
Start/restart of play
- For start/restart of play, the team without the ball must allow space for play. Allow 6 yards of space.
- Throw-ins: A second throw-in should be allowed in U8 games if the first attempt was improperly done. Following brief, corrective instructions, a second attempt should be permitted. If the second attempt is still done improperly, let it go. Proper technique can be reinforced later by the coach. Keep the game moving and minimize interruptions.
- Free kicks: All free kicks are indirect (cannot score without another player touching the ball). Free kicks awarded the attacking team inside the defending team’s goal area are to be taken from the nearest point on the goal area line parallel to the goal line.
- Goal kick: A goal kick is awarded to the opposing team when the attacking team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. The goal kick may be taken from any point inside the goal area. The team who last touched the ball before it crossed the goal line must retreat to their side of the field before the goal kick is taken in U8 games.
- Corner kick: A corner kick is awarded the opposing team when the defending team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. Corner kicks are indirect.
Heading: No heading in practices or games. In games, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if a player deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a game. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area, must be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball with his/her head. Neither cautions nor send offs shall be issued for persistent infringement or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity related to the heading infraction.
Referees: Certified referees must be used in U-8 games but if one is not available, current certified AYSO coaches must referee the games. If certified referees/officials are used, the referees/officials must be AYSO trained and certified as U8 Officials or higher. Just as players at this age are discovering the game of soccer, this is a good opportunity for older siblings, family and friends to discover the enjoyment and rewards of volunteering, while also learning about the game. Must be currently certified AYSO referees. Every effort should be made to keep the game moving and free from unnecessary stoppages. Officials/referees in U8 games should encourage proper play and sporting behavior and thus provide an opportunity for players, coaches, officials and spectators to have a positive AYSO experience. Let them play and enjoy.
Misconduct should be rare in U-8 games. The following, if deliberately done, are the fouls most likely to occur in U-8 games: kicking, tripping, pushing, holding, handling the ball and dangerous play. There is no need for the public cautioning and sending off of young players (leave your red and yellow cards home). Officials should work cooperatively with the coach when a U8 player may need a "time out."
U10 Rules
U10 Field Layout
Games are played with 7 players per team on the field (7v7) one of which is a goalkeeper.
10U has a unique field marking, the build-out line, which gives teams space to work on building their attack from the back and more space to build an attack before being offside. Reference sheet for the build-out line.
Start/restart of play
- For start/restart of play, the team without the ball must allow space for play. Allow 8 yards of space.
- Throw-ins: Second chances are not given for improper throw-ins for U10 and older players. An improper throw-in results in a throw-in for the opposing team. The referee must judge if indeed the throw-in violated the spirit of the Throw-in Law or if the violation was trifling and not worthy of stopping play.
- Free kicks: Free kicks may be either direct (may score directly) or indirect (must be touched or played by another player before a goal can be scored).
- Goal kick: A goal kick is awarded to the opposing team when the attacking team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. The ball must be stationary and is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves. Opponents must be behind the build-out line until the ball is in play.
- Corner kick: A corner kick is awarded the opposing team when the defending team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. Corner kicks are indirect.
- Penalty kicks: A penalty kick results from a player committing one of the ten direct free kick fouls inside his or her own (defending) penalty area. The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark with all other players outside the penalty area and behind the penalty mark (except for the opposing goalkeeper). Refer to the Laws of the Game for further details.
- Goalies: No punting or drop kicks: throw or roll the ball, or drop to the ground to play with the feet. Ball cannot be picked back up after released. Opposing team backs up behind the build-out line until the goalie releases the ball.
Heading: No heading in practices or games. In games, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if a player deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a game. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area, must be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball with his/her head. Neither cautions nor send offs shall be issued for persistent infringement or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity related to the heading infraction.
Referees: AYSO certified Regional Referees or higher are required for U10 and older games. In the absence of a certified Referee, a current AYSO volunteer or coaches from either or both teams will act as officials. Be a thinking referee who only interferes with play when necessary for the safety of the players and the good of the game. The game belongs to the players.
If available, qualified assistant referees who have completed Assistant Referee Certification or higher may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new assistant referees to begin getting experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (untrained volunteers who may be affiliated with one of the teams) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.
All fouls identified in Law 12 of the Laws of the Game apply. Although there is now the potential for more fouls, referees must still remember that only deliberate breaches of the Law merit stopping the game Maximize playing time - minimize stoppages.
Misconduct should still be relatively rare in U10 games. Coaches at all levels of play have the option of calling players to the touchline to receive a few words of "positive instruction" concerning the player’s behavior. A coach also has the option of telling a player to ask the referee for permission to leave the field and then, after getting the player under control, having the player request permission from the referee to reenter the game. The referee should permit these requests. However, substitution is not allowed for the player leaving the field in this situation.
U12 Rules
U12 Field Layout
Games are played with 9 players per team on the field (9v9) one of which is the goalkeeper.
Start/restart of play
- For start/restart of play, the team without the ball must allow space for play. Allow 10 yards of space.
- Throw-ins: Second chances are not given for improper throw-ins for U10 and older players. An improper throw-in results in a throw-in for the opposing team. The referee must judge if indeed the throw-in violated the spirit of the Throw-in Law or if the violation was trifling and not worthy of stopping play.
- Free kicks: Free kicks may be either direct (may score directly) or indirect (must be touched or played by another player before a goal can be scored).
- Goal kick: A goal kick is awarded to the opposing team when the attacking team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. The ball must be stationary and is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves. Opponents must be outside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
- Corner kick: A corner kick is awarded the opposing team when the defending team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. Corner kicks are indirect.
- Penalty kicks: A penalty kick results from a player committing one of the ten direct free kick fouls inside his or her own (defending) penalty area. The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark with all other players outside the penalty area and behind the penalty mark (except for the opposing goalkeeper). Refer to the Laws of the Game for further details.
Heading: No heading in practices or games. In games, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if a player deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a game. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area, must be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball with his/her head. Neither cautions nor send offs shall be issued for persistent infringement or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity related to the heading infraction.
Referees: AYSO certified Intermediate Referees or higher are required for U10 and older games. In the absence of a certified Intermediate Referee, a Regional Referee who also is a current AYSO volunteer or coaches from either or both teams will act as officials. Be a thinking referee who only interferes with play when necessary for the safety of the players and the good of the game. The game belongs to the players.
If available, qualified assistant referees who have completed Assistant Referee Certification or higher may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new assistant referees to begin getting experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (untrained volunteers who may be affiliated with one of the teams) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.
U14/U19 Rules
U14 and older teams play according to the Laws of the Game.
Heading for players in U14 is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers, per player. There is no restriction on heading in matches.